Catalina Vega MéndezWelcome! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science at Purdue University and currently a Predoctoral Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Florida International University.
My research focuses on comparative political behavior and migration policy, with an emphasis on attitudes and policies toward international migration within Latin America. My dissertation, titled "Shifting Borders, Shifting Votes: How Large and Sudden Migration Influxes Shape Voting Behavior in Colombia" investigates the effects of south-to-south migration in Latin America, particularly the Venezuelan migratory crisis in Colombia on political outcomes. My work has been published in journals such as the Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública (RLOP), and I have contributed to policy publications assessing migration and integration strategies. I hold an M.A. in Political Science from Purdue University and a B.A. in Political Science from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Previously, I interned with the Latin America and the Caribbean team at the Migration Policy Institute. |